Hey Woozens,
I'm totally new at this blogging thing so I'm doing A Special Eventz!!!
When Woozworld gets back on, I'll post the date of the Eventz... But for now it's left as undefined!! So here it is it's a challenge: Step 1: Invite friends to visit this blog. (At least 2)
Step 2: Make sure you, as well as them, subscribe to the blog
Step 3: Comment on this post to the name of the friends.
Step 4: Once we get 50 subscribers, I will host a huge rich
party/ eventz for all of those people :)
Step 5: Claim your prize and Happy Blogging! (:
<script src="http://h1.flashvortex.com/display.php?id=2_1361143328_34515_495_0_393_85_10_1_15" type="text/javascript"></script>
i want to win